
The 3 Best Ways for Children to Earn Whiter Teeth

January 17th, 2019

A healthy, luminous smile is something that everyone values. Here’s some of the best ways for your child (and you) to earn healthier, whiter teeth without having to get expensive bleaching treatment.

What Causes Tooth Discoloration? 

There are a few things that cause tooth discoloration in children. Extrinsic discoloration (discoloration of the outer layer of tooth) is the most common form of tooth discoloration, and it’s caused by drinking sugary beverages or cola, and eating food that stains teeth. Age related tooth discoloration is caused by chips in teeth or any damage to the tooth pulp, which discolors the dentin

1 - Drink More Water 

Water helps naturally keep teeth clean by rinsing sugar and food debris off of the surface of teeth, which fuels cavity-growth by providing bad bacteria with the fuel it needs to spread and cause tooth decay and cavities. Water also helps keep saliva production steady, which naturally cleans teeth and combats halitosis.

2 - Avoid the Causes of Tooth Discoloration 

One of the best ways for your child to keep a whiter smile is by avoiding the causes of tooth discoloration. Try to limit or cut back entirely on highly acidic foods and drinks, sugary beverages like cola or sweetened coffee drinks, tomato sauce and dark juices. All of these foods can discolor teeth, and lead to a less luminous smile.

3 - Brush and Rinse after Every Meal 

You can empower your child to fight tooth decay and get a healthier smile by helping them get into a proper oral health routine, which means brushing twice per day for two minutes at a time, and flossing once per day. A healthy brushing routine helps keep the surface of teeth clean by removing food debris and any small stains from the prior meal. Flossing helps remove food from the hard-to-reach areas between teeth, which account for 1/3 of the total surface area of teeth.

When Should My Child Begin Whitening?

Your child shouldn’t use any teeth-whitening product on their teeth until their final adult tooth has emerged – which is usually around age 12 or 13. Additionally, your child needs to wait until their enamel has fully calcified BEFORE beginning any whitening treatment, which usually takes 2 years after an adult tooth emerges. If your child uses a whitening treatment before their adult teeth come in, then they risk breaking down their tooth enamel and damaging their gum tissue.

Visit Our Office 

Before beginning any whitening treatment at home, it’s best to consult with your child’s pediatric dentist first. If your family doesn’t have a pediatric dentist, then visit our office. We treat children of all ages, and help empower families to earn healthier smiles every day. 

Our Top Tips for Protecting Young Teeth

November 21st, 2018

Keeping teeth clean is a full time job – especially for parents of young children. Here are our top tips for keeping young teeth healthy and clean! 

Use the Right Tooth Cleaning Tools 

Your child needs the right tools in their oral health arsenal to protect their teeth from cavities and tooth decay. Be sure that they have a toothbrush with soft bristle, and a handle that easily fits in their hand. Also, try to make sure that their toothbrush is in working order, and replace it if the bristles have plumed outward. Try to only buy toothbrushes and toothpaste that has the ADA seal of approval, so that they are is getting the best product possible for their oral health.

Maintain a Good Oral Health Routine 

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends children brush twice per day, for two minutes at a time, and floss once per day to clean debris from the hard-to-reach areas of their teeth. A proper oral health routine is the best way to keep a mouth clean, and prevents a lot of oral health ailments.

Protect Teeth During Sports 

While playing sports, your child is 60 times more likely to sustain damage to their teeth when they aren’t wearing a mouth guard. That’s insane! Oral injuries are very common in young athletes and range from broken teeth to jaw damage and can even result in a concussion. That’s why it’s strongly recommended that children and teenagers (and adults too) should wear a mouth guard to protect their teeth and jaw while playing sports. Mouth guards – sometimes called mouth protectors – work by helping cushion a blow to the face, and minimizing the risk of breaking teeth, or lacerating a lip, tongue or cheek. 

Replace Sugary Drinks with Water 

Sugar feeds harmful bacteria on teeth, and creates acid that erodes enamel. This causes plaque and ultimately cavities, which is why you should limit the amount of sugary beverages you consume. Avoid colas, sports drinks and fruit juices, most of which are packed with sugar and terrible for teeth. Instead, substitute sugary drinks for water, which rinses teeth of food debris, and stimulates saliva production. Saliva naturally keeps teeth clean, and encourages a healthy oral ph balance.

Schedule a Dental Checkup Every Six Months 

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children visit the pediatric dentist every six months. This helps your child get ahead of any potential oral health concerns, and helps them learn more about maintaining a healthy mouth.

Visit Our Office 

The best way to help your child get into a lifestyle that supports healthy teeth is by visiting our office. We’ll check the state of their teeth, and provide any treatments we think necessary to help them achieve perfect oral health.   

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240 N Grove Medical Park Dr
Spartanburg, SC 29303